Prayer that we do not lose heart

Do you ever get discouraged? Do you sometimes feel ‘Is this all worthwhile? Are we actually getting anywhere?’ Are you ever tempted to ‘lose heart’? If you are, you are not alone. Paul was almost certainly tempted himself to lose heart, and he wrote to other Christians who were also tempted to do so. Yet … Continue reading Prayer that we do not lose heart

Prayer that leads peaceful quiet lives

The growth of prayer for Muslims and response by Muslims to the Good News is no coincidence. This week’s Praying for the World prayer guide calls attention to the Islamic world and Iran in particular. As we pray, our desire is for God’s peace to transcend all understanding and break down barriers that oppose the … Continue reading Prayer that leads peaceful quiet lives

Prayer that encourages one another daily

Accountability. Seems like a good idea in theory, like diet and exercise, but many of us don’t want that level of discipline. But if you had a coach or team to encourage you, it would be different. You wouldn’t want to let them down. The discipline of prayer is like that. When we join together … Continue reading Prayer that encourages one another daily

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