Prayer that those who have ears to hear may hear

…Hearing God is a characteristic of being His sons and daughters; it is essential if we are to extend His Kingdom in the earth. Scripture iterates that God speaks to His people, delights in doing so, and that Christ-followers are fully capable of both hearing and obeying His voice. . …We encourage you to come … Continue reading Prayer that those who have ears to hear may hear

Prayer that the Lord rules with compassion

God knows our weaknesses. He knows how frail we are and how fleeting this life is. Yet He still makes time for us and loves us with an everlasting love. He rules over everything and still extends His loving care over each one of us. It is our prayer that as His children we are … Continue reading Prayer that the Lord rules with compassion

Prayer that hears the cries of the oppressed

Juneteenth is the oldest African American celebration of emancipation from slavery. President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation was issued on January 1, 1863, but news of emancipation moved slowly.  Texas was the most remote of the slave states, and the Emancipation Proclamation was not enforced there until two and a half years later, after the Civil … Continue reading Prayer that hears the cries of the oppressed

Prayer that little children come to Jesus

Jesus loves the little children. This week’s Praying for the World prayer guide focuses on children at risk due to neglect, abuse, war and disasters. Our prayer is that God would reveal His grace to them and that they would find healing and protection in Him. As we pray for opportunities to show compassion towards … Continue reading Prayer that little children come to Jesus

Prayer that pays closer attention

Since Jesus has been given a position and a name higher than the angels, the message that God spoke to us through Him (what we call The Gospel) is greater than the message spoken to us through the angels and the prophets. The angels and prophets both testified of the coming of Jesus as the … Continue reading Prayer that pays closer attention

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